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Concerns and Complaints

Who to contact

At Green Oaks we believe in positive communication through personal connection.

Talking to the right person at the right time will usually help you to have the information that you need and to resolve any concerns that you may have.  

The following guidance will make sure that you are talking to the right person, in the right way and at the right time:

Type of Concern

Who to talk to

How to contact

Medical conditions and first aid

School Office

In person or by telephone

For Medical Conditions that require a Care Plan book an appointment to speak directly to the Medical Conditions Co-ordinator

Events in the school day

Education and progress

Health and well-being

Behaviour and safety

Family circumstance

Class Teacher

Talk in person at the end of the school day or;

Telephone the School Office to speak directly to the class teacher or;

Book an appointment directly with your child’s class teacher for a formal meeting

Continued concern over Education and progress

Health and well-being

Behaviour and safety

Class Teacher and

Year Leader

Book an appointment:

In person, through the school office or

By telephone

Provision for children with Special Educational Needs or Disability

Class Teacher  and Inclusion Leader

Book an appointment:

In person, through the school office or

By telephone

Unresolved concerns over education or welfare

Significant family circumstances that may impact on a child’s welfare and education

Safeguarding concerns

Assistant Headteacher

Book an appointment:

In person, through the school office or

By telephone

Unresolved, high level concerns

Complaints against staff or the school

Executive Headteacher

Chair of Governors

Book an appointment:

In person, through the school office or

By telephone


The majority of concerns will be resolved by following the procedures above.

However, if you have a concern that has not been resolved and you would like to make a formal complaint please follow the procedures contained in the Green Oaks Complaints Policy.