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Contact the Governors

The Governors are part of the school community and our role includes making ourselves available to listen to members of this community about their views on the schools.

We would be pleased to hear from you about any new ideas and general comments you might have for improving our schools.

We understand that sometimes you may have concerns you would like to discuss with us. If you have an issue concerning your child at either school, then we would encourage you to speak with your child’s class teacher. If after that you feel you would like to raise this further, then please make an appointment to see the Head of School or the Executive Headteacher and this will then be dealt with in accordance with the school’s complaints policy. The policy explains when it might be appropriate to contact the Chair of Governors about a particular concern or complaint.

Here are the ways in which you can contact us:

  • Come and talk to us.  A number of us are parents with children at the schools, so you might see us at the start or end of the day. We are also around during many school events such as curriculum evenings.

  • Send an email:

  • Write a letter addressed to the Chair of Governors and hand it in at either school office.

Thank you for your interest and support.