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Enriching Learning

School Trips, Visits and Residential

All children are invited to take part in school trips and activities to widen their educational experiences.

Each year there is one trip off-site with the addition of visitors coming into school to support children’s learning.

In Upper Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to attend a residential visit. This allows them to take part in activities to build their resilience, confidence and collaboration. It also develops their independence and ability to care and look after themselves as they spend time away from home – often for the first time.

All trips, visits and residentials are fully risk assessed by qualified staff and undergo health, safety and safeguarding checks. School trips, visits and residentials fall within our charging and remissions policy and we will always work with parents to ensure all children are able to have access to the enrichment that these events bring.

School Libraries

Both schools have well-resourced libraries that are designed to encourage children to read for pleasure, interest and information.

There are a wide selection of books including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Books are selected to support learning, tap into children’s interests and stimulate a love of reading. All children have access to the school libraries and have a dedicated time where they can learn how to browse and select a book to take home and share.

Teacher Time

All children at Green Oaks have the opportunity to teach their class something that they have expert knowledge on or have a skill or interest in.

During the year your child will receive an invitation to be the teacher for 10-15 minutes and talk to the class about whatever they wish. Children choose to bring things in from home, create a PowerPoint or just talk to their classmates and answer questions.

Green Oaks University

At Green Oaks we believe in inspiring children to be lifelong learners and to aspire high!

As part of this we run our own Green Oaks University once a week where the children have the opportunity to take part in rich learning experiences that go beyond their current curriculum. The children are able to decide each term the subjects that they are interested in learning more about and sessions are then designed to stimulate their imagination and creativity. This may be designing scientific experiments, creating computer animations, or writing their own novels, whatever takes their interest!
