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Key Stage 1 and 2

Key Stage 1 and 2 Curriculum

The Key Stage 1 [ages 5 -7] and Key Stage 2 [ages 7-11] National Curriculum is a statutory framework that sets the standards that all schools must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe.

At Green Oaks we believe in a school curriculum that meets the needs of the National Curriculum but also allows us to give pupils the skills, knowledge and understanding that they need to be part of their own community and global society.

Our curriculum is therefore carefully planned to meet the vision, values and aims of the school and includes:

  • The Green Oaks Global Curriculum that includes community and global projects
  • Mantle of the Expert where the children act as expert teams to meet the needs of clients who contact them with projects to run or decisions to make
  • Curriculum learning linked to subject-specific topics and texts

The National Curriculum subjects that the children will learn through these approaches include:






Physical Education


Art and Design

Religious Education


Design and Technology

French [Key Stage 2]

The children also have Personal, Social and Emotional Education and also age-appropriate education in Relationships, Health and Sex Education.

Religious Education

Religious Education is a statutory requirement and the school follows the Hampshire Syllabus, which is non-denominational but broadly Christian in character.

Religious Education may occur each week or can sometimes be taught as a block of work over a period of days. If you do not wish your child to take part in Religious Education at school this must be put in writing to the Executive Headteacher.

Green Oaks Long Term RE plans

Oakwood RE Overview

Greenfields RE Overview