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Early Years

Assessment in the Early Year Foundation Stage

In Year R, children are assessed against the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile.

Parents are invited into school to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher each term;

  • Autumn term: to meet your child’s teacher and discuss how they are settling into school and baseline assessments
  • Spring term: to discuss your child’s progress and find out about your
    child’s targets for the next term
  • Summer term: to discuss any issues or concerns that arise from the end of year report

The end of Year R marks the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage [EYFS] for your child and in the summer term your child’s class teacher will complete an assessment which is known as the EYFS Profile. This assessment is based on observations of your child over a period of time and allows the teacher to judge how your child is doing in the prime and specific areas of learning and development. The Early Years Profile allows parents and the teacher to understand a child’s strengths, readiness for Key Stage 1 and any additional support that they will need.

At the end of the school year you will receive two reports.  The first report is written directly to your child and celebrates their achievements and gives advice on their next steps in learning.  We ask parents to take time to read this aloud to their child so that they can feel proud of all that they have accomplished in their first year at school.  The second report is for parents and provides information on your child’s EYFS Profile.

All parents are welcome to see the class teacher, Year Leader or Senior Leadership team at any other time by contacting the school for an appointment.
