There is one Governing Body for the Green Oaks Federation which works across both Oakwood Infant and Greenfields Junior schools.
Our role is to provide strategic leadership for the schools with an aim of helping ensure that every child in our schools gets the best possible education.
The Governing Body has 3 core functions:
1. To help set the strategic vision, ethos and values for the federation;
2. To hold the Executive Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of the staff;
3. To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent and has an impact on the outcomes of our children.
We do this by working closely with the Executive Head and the Senior Leaders, providing both support and challenge.
Our governing body is made up of the Executive Headteacher, an LEA governor, 1 staff governor, 2 parent governors and a number of Co-opted governors. We are also supported by a clerk.
Click here to meet the governors