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Help for Home

Being a parent and part of a family is not always easy and everyone could sometimes do with a little bit of help,  support and advice.

At Green Oaks we are able to offer a  listening ear and signpost you to different support services. 

These include:

School Nursing Service

The School Nursing Service can offer advice on toileting, sleep, diet and behaviour.

They can be contacted through a referral by the school or directly by telephoning the Alton Health Centre on 01420 88336 [option 2]. 

Family Support Service

The Family Support Service offers a range of courses for parents that includes advice on sleep, diet, nutrition and behaviour.

They also offer telephone or single appointment consultation or advice.  You can book their services through a school referral by contacting our Inclusion Leader.

Parenting Support and Courses

The school works in partnership with the Family Support Service, Early Help Service and other professionals to signpost and refer to a variety of parenting courses that run in the area.

These can be especially useful for families when their child or children are displaying challenging behaviour at home or school.

Talk to our Inclusion Leader or Head of School if you are interested in attending a parenting course.