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Green Oaks Federation:  An Inclusive Community

At Green Oaks we have the highest aspirations for all of our pupils and believe that it is our moral imperative to provide an education to remove barriers and champion excellence. 

Every child matters at Green Oaks and we will always seek to overcome disadvantage, inequality and under achievement.  Teachers at Oakwood and Greenfields are relentless in their pursuit of the best possible outcomes for our children and there is a shared expectation that children who are at risk of under achieving catch up and keep up through skilful and precise intervention.  Challenge is the norm at Green Oaks and we will set the highest standards for all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and the most able.  We expect our children to have the support and quality of education that they need to achieve the best that they can and to prepare them for the next stage of learning and life beyond.

Special Educational Needs and Disability [SEND]

Some children have additional needs which means that they may require specific support.

They may struggle with learning or find it difficult to understand and communicate. They may have a physical or sensory disability or have social, emotional and mental health needs. Sometimes children have difficulties in many areas.  As a Federation, we work closely with external agencies to ensure that we have the correct provision in place for our children with Special Educational Needs and Disability and to make any reasonable adaptations. 

At Green Oaks, we have an Inclusion Leader who is a qualified Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.  Our Inclusion Leader oversees the provision that is in place for our pupils with SEND and works in partnership with teachers, parents and external agencies to provide the correct support and intervention through Personal Development and Learning Plans.

Our SEND School Governor works with our Inclusion Leader to review and monitor our SEND Policy and SEND Report and ensure our pupils achieve their full potential.

If you would like to find out more about our provision for pupils with SEND or would like to discuss your child’s provision with our Inclusion Leader, please contact the school office.

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment of pupils who may be vulnerable or disadvantaged.

This includes children who:

  • are eligible for a free school meal due to low income
  • are in care, fostered or adopted
  • have a parent in the Armed Services

At Green Oaks we carefully consider the potential barriers to achievement that may exist for these pupils and plan to remove these through intervention and support.

This may include:

  • providing uniform and resources
  • ensuring pupils are able to attend school trips and visits
  • enabling pupils to attend clubs and tuition
  • improving educational outcomes through support and intervention
  • providing emotional and well-being support through our school ELSAs [Emotional Literacy Support Assistants]

Our Pupil Premium Plan is reviewed each academic year and agreed by our School Governing Body. 

Ethnicity and Diversity

Over the year we have enjoyed seeing our community grow in diversity and ethnicity.

At Green Oaks we celebrate our similarities and differences and work hard to ensure everyone feels equal. When pupils need any additional support or resources, we ensure these are accessible to families. Some of our pupils have English as an Additional Language [EAL] and we work in partnership with the Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service [EMTAS] to make sure we are supporting our families and enabling children to make the best possible progress.
