Key Stage 1
Assessment and Reporting in Key Stage 1
Every year your child will be assessed against the curriculum expectations for their year group.
Each term, these expectations are carefully broken down into learning objectives and the teachers will review your child’s learning against these objectives on a regular basis.
These assessments will be based on:
- discussions with your child during and/or after lessons
- a review of your child’s work and whether they have needed support or are able to show what they have learned independently
- observations made by the teacher or teaching assistant about how your child has responded to teaching during lessons
- assessment tasks or tests that allow the teacher to assess whether your child is able to remember and recall information that they have learned
- questioning that probes deeper understanding and the ability to apply the skills, knowledge and understanding that your child has.
Assessing your child’s progress allows the teacher to identify current strengths and, more importantly, their next steps in learning.
Phonics Screening Check
The phonics screening check is a short, light-touch assessment to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard.
The screening check takes place at the end of Year 1 and at the end of Year 2 for any children who do not meet the expected standards. The assessment consists of 40 real and non-real words that require the children to use their phonic knowledge to decode them. The test is administered to each child individually by the class teacher and the results of the assessment are shared with parents. Any child who finds it difficult to learn phonics and use this for reading and writing receives additional support throughout their time at school and parents will have been made aware of this at parent consultations.
Standardised Tests
Standardised tests are used to provide a benchmark of your child’s ability to retain and apply the knowledge that they have learned as a whole in English and Mathematics across a range of domains.
Standardised tests are useful to provide the school with an overall assessment and to identify areas of learning that the children are finding difficult to remember. At the end of Key Stage 1, all Year 2 children will take Key Stage 1 Standardised Assessment Tests [Key Stage 1 SATS]. These are administered by the class teacher, in small groups, as part of everyday class practice.
It is important to remember that Standardised tests only provide summative data that gives an indication of how well your child knows and understands what they have been taught over a period of time. They can be affected by different factors that distort how well your child is really doing at school – for example if your child is feeling unwell on the day, is tired, or doesn’t quite understand how the question in written.
Always remember that the most important assessments are the ones that your teacher will be doing on a day to day basis during lessons with your child.
Reporting to Parents
Parents are invited into school to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher each term;
- Autumn term: to meet your child’s teacher and discuss how they are settling into school and their current strengths and areas for development
- Spring term: to discuss your child’s progress and find out about your child’s targets for the next term
- Summer term: to discuss any issues or concerns that arise from the end of year report
In Key Stage 1, we encourage children to attend these consultations with their parent[s]. This allows a richer discussion and a clearer understanding of your child’s strengths and areas of development. Invitations to attend parent consultations are sent out electronically to the parent who has been designated to arrange these.
End of Year Report
At the end of the school year you will receive two reports.
The first report is written directly to your child and celebrates their achievements and gives advice on their next steps in learning. We ask parents to take time to read this with their child so that they can feel proud of all that they have accomplished in their first year at school. The second report is for parents and provides information on your child’s assessments against National Curriculum end of year expectations in English and Mathematics.
If your child has taken end of Key Stage 1 assessment tests in Year 2, the outcomes of these tests will also be included with this report.
All parents are welcome to see the class teacher, Year Leader or Head of School at any other time by contacting the school for an appointment.