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Managing Medical Conditions

Medical Conditions and Allergies

At Green Oaks we are able to meet the needs of children with medical conditions and allergies and we liaise closely with the school nurse and other medical professionals when needed.

All relevant staff are appropriately trained and qualified to administer medication in school.  It is essential that you inform the relevant school immediately if your child has a medical condition or allergy that could require medical assistance.  The school is unable to administer any required medication or responsive treatment without the necessary medical and parental authorisation.

All medical conditions are treated in accordance with the school Medical Conditions Policy which follows DfE statutory guidance.  This includes a Medical Conditions Care Plan for any child who has a diagnosed medical condition.  If you have informed us that your child has a medical condition you will be contacted by the school office to arrange a formal meeting to discuss their needs and complete you child’s plan.  All plans are reviewed annually by the school and parent.

Administering Medicine

Should your child needs to receive prescribed medicine whilst at school please speak to our office staff, who will give you the necessary permission forms to complete and you can hand the medicine (in the original container with the label) directly to a member of staff. Medicine will then be kept in the medical cupboard, refrigerator or in the case of asthma inhalers these will be stored in the classroom. Please do not put any kind of medication in your child's book bag this includes throat lozenges and lip balms.

Medicine that is prescribed to be taken 3 times a day, can be administered by parents outside of school hours.

There should be no need for you to come into school to administer medicine for your child, but if you would like to come in, please let the teacher know and we will arrange for your child to meet you in the medical area.

We are unable to give un-prescribed medicine to children.  No child should be bringing medicine into school to take themselves. 

Our 'Supporting Children with Medical Needs' policy gives more information about how we manage medical issues in school.  Please pop into either school office to inform of any changes to your child's medical needs.

Administration of Pain Relief

As well as storing your child's prescribed medicines, we do keep an emergency supply of liquid paracetamol and antihistamine.  We will ask for your written consent to administer either of these only if this will alleviate any pain for your child until the end of the school day.



We are able to manage children with allergies through our Managing Medical Conditions policy and process.

This includes liaising with the School Nursing Service and discussing the care plan needed for your child.  School lunches can be specially prepared to meet any diagnosed allergy needs that your child has and parents arrange this directly with our catering service, HC3S.  We ask all parents NOT to have nut-based products in packed lunches or to send sweets, chocolates or treats to school to give to other children when it is their birthday.