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Our School Day


Doors open


End of School Day


8.40 am

8.50 am

3.20 pm


8.30 am

8.40 am

3.10 pm

A morning welcome

The children are welcomed into the school at 8.30 am (Greenfields) and 8.40am (Oakwood) ready for registration at 8.40 am and 8.50 am respectively.

From Year R to Year 6, children enter through their classroom doors with exception of Aspen and Juniper classes that use the far corner entrance beside the Forest Lodge.

The start of the school day is a good time to give your child’s teacher or teaching assistant any important information that may be relevant to your child for that day, including any change in collection arrangements for your child after school.

School Assemblies

Assemblies are a time for the class, year group or school to come together to learn and reflect.

These take place on a daily basis and are in line with the school’s collective worship policy.  A copy of which can be found on the school website.  Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or parts of collective worship assemblies by making a written request to the relevant Head of School.

Snack Time

After a busy start to the day, we can all feel a little hungry!

All children therefore have a snack time where they are able to have fruit or vegetables and come together and talk together.  The fruit is provided free of charge for all children at Oakwood Infant School and we encourage our Greenfields’ children to sign up to our fruit & vegetable scheme.  The cost is currently £15.00 per academic year.

At Oakwood Infant School milk is free for children under 5 years of age and parents are able to continue to purchase milk for their infant children if they so wish.

Keeping refreshed

Drinking water is always freely available and all children are provided with a water bottle when they start school and encouraged to drink regularly during the school day. 

Flavoured water or juice is not permitted at either school and we are happy to work with parents to encourage children to drink water as the healthy alternative. Replacement water bottles and lids can be purchased from the school offices.

Outside Play

Play is an important part of child development.

As well as providing exercise, it allows children the chance to explore, climb, run and jump.  It builds imagination and creativity and helps children to understand social relationships and communication. 

All children in Key Stage 1 and 2 have a supervised mid-morning break and the children are able to use one of the play areas available to them, including Adventure Trails and playgrounds. Children also play outside at lunchtime and may also have a break during the afternoon.   

Children in Year R have access to their own outside area throughout the day and in all weathers – make sure that your child has a waterproof coat!


Eating a cooked meal together is a really important part of developing social skills and also learning to eat healthily. 

All of the meals provided at school have to be balanced giving children the recommended daily intake of different foods.  Our school meal provider is HC3S and our school meals are cooked on the premises.  Menus change each week and include a vegetarian option and vegan option if required.  If your child has particular dietary needs please speak to the school offices who will advise you on how these can be accommodated. 

We have worked hard to make school lunches part of the children’s education and to give them skills for life.  Every lunchtime the children come together in groups to share lunch.  This involves children sitting together, talking together and eating together. 

The tables are set for the children and they are encouraged to help themselves to the different food groups available on the table.  This includes vegetables, salads and bread.  The children are taught how to select and serve food and are responsible for helping to clear the table at the end of lunch.  Every meal is accompanied by a drink of water and children are able to select from a range of healthy puddings and  fruit  at the end of the meal. 

The majority of children choose to  have a school meal due to the menu provided and value for money.  They also avoid the need for preparing food at home.  However, if families do wish to provide a packed lunch we ask them to follow the school’s guidelines for packed lunches.  These should be healthy, balanced and avoid high sugar, salt or calorie items.  Crisps, sweets and fizzy drinks are therefore not permitted as part of a packed lunch.

Lunchtimes are supervised by Lunchtime Supervisors and our Teaching and Learning Assistants and they are more than happy to talk to parents if they have any concerns over their child’s eating.  The school lunch break is staggered for all year groups and includes a supervised playtime after lunch.

The end of the day

The school day ends at 3.10 pm for all children at Greenfields and 3.20 pm for all children at Oakwood.

Children leave their classrooms accompanied by a member of staff.  The staff member will only release a child when the person responsible for picking them up is identified by the child or in accordance with the specified collection arrangements. 

At Greenfields Junior School children are allowed to walk home unaccompanied as long as they have permission to do so.  If you would like your child to leave school unaccompanied please provide this permission via email  to the school office.  

Any child who is not collected at the end of the school day will be asked to wait at the school office until a parent or carer has been contacted and the child has been safely collected.