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Partnership with Parents

At Green Oaks, we have a strong partnership with parents and families.

We have regular opportunities for you to come into school, attend assemblies, learn about our curriculum and take part in our school life.

These include:

Year Group Information Evening

This takes place in the Autumn Term and is an opportunity to find out about the teaching and learning that your child will be part of and how you can support your child at school and home.

Curriculum Information Evening

In the Spring Term, we invite parents into school to learn more about the curriculum.  Each year we focus on a different subject and explain how this is taught at school and what you can do to help at home.  You then have the opportunity to see what this looks like in practice by attending one of our Shared Learning events.

Bookable Consultations

Autumn Term - Meet Your Teacher:  An opportunity to talk to your child’s teacher about how they have settled into school.  The teacher will also share with you your child’s baseline assessments in the different areas of learning.

Spring Term - Parent Consultations: An opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress at school and learn about their next steps in learning. 

In Key Stage 1 and 2 we encourage children to attend these consultations alongside their parents.  This allows teachers to give direct feedback and to have a  richer discussion about strengths and next steps.

Year Group Productions

Each year group has the opportunity to perform to their parents each year.  This maybe putting on a Harvest celebration, a spring production or taking part in our amazing Year 2 or 6 productions!

Shared Learning

In the Spring Term we invite parents into school to take part in a lesson with their child.  This may by watching the class perform a dance routine, taking part in a Mathematics lesson or finding out how we teach personal and social skills.


In the Summer Term you are invited into school to look at your child’s work with them.  This is an opportunity for you to really talk to your child about all that they have been learning at school and to see the progress that they have made over the year.
