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Safety at School

At Green Oaks children’s health, safety and well-being is of high importance to us.

As such all staff and volunteers at school are vetted according to safer recruitment guidelines, including references and enhanced DBS checks.

All relevant staff are first aid qualified and the Federation has a rigorous Health and Safety Policy in place that can be viewed in our policies section.

The school grounds are fenced and gated for the security of the children and gates are locked from 8.50am at Greenfields and 9.00am at Oakwood.

Entry and Exit from school

Entry to each school building is through the front entrance only and all visitors to the school are required to sign in at the front desk.

Identification is checked when necessary. 

Parents and visitors may use the buzzer to gain access and use the green exit button next to the doors to leave the building. 

Emergency Evacuation

The school has an Emergency Evacuation Plan in accordance with Fire Safety and Evacuation legislation.

All children are taught how to evacuate the buildings calmly and safely in the event of an emergency evacuation and practice this procedure each term.

Before and after school safety

It is important that all children, including younger siblings, are supervised carefully before and after school to ensure that they are safe.

Please do not allow children to walk or climb along the walls or seating areas.  This can lead to trips and falls and contravenes the safety rules that are in place during the school day.  Outside equipment including Adventure Trails at both schools and the Ship at Oakwood are only for use under school staff supervision.  It MUST NOT be used by any child outside of the school day, even under parental supervision.

Arriving at school

The overwhelming majority of families whose children attend Oakwood and Greenfields live within catchment and in walking distance to the schools. 

We therefore actively encourage parents to walk to school with their child if possible.  If you unable to walk due to a medical condition or because you need to drive directly from school to work or another commitment please observe our Parking Code. 

Scooters and Bikes

There is a designated area for scooters and bicycles at the side of both school buildings.

Please make sure that scooters or bicycles are safely stored and secured and remember to take them home at the end of each day.  In order to avoid any accidents, we ask children not to ride or scoot in the playground or on the pathways around the schools.


Please remember that no dogs are allowed on site and that all dogs must be securely tethered in the external school grounds using the dog posts provided.

In the interests of safety, and for those people who are frightened by dogs, please make sure that your dog is tethered away from public pathways and not near to the school entrances/exits.
