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Pupil Voice

“A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Every community needs leadership.

People who are able to think strategically and make decisions to lead people to be the best that they can be.

At Green Oaks we believe that our children are important parts of this strategic leadership.  They are the ones who understand what it is like to be a child in our schools, who watch what goes on every day, who listen to what others say.  They know what works well and what doesn’t.  They have amazing ideas and genuinely want to make a difference.  They are excited about their present and passionate about their future. 

The leadership of our Federation is therefore strengthened by our Young Governors.  These are children in Upper Key Stage 2 who have stepped forward to take on the responsibility of working with the Executive Headteacher.  Together we consider our strengths but also our weaknesses.  We discuss reasons and look for evidence.  This helps us to make decisions and implement changes that make a real and visible difference to school life for all children. 

Our Young Governors are part of four strategic leadership teams:

Education: Helping to make sure our children receive the best possible education

Community: Building and strengthening links between our school and local community

Environment: Leading on sustainability and positive environmental change

Well-being: Protecting and enhancing our physical and mental health and well-being

Each team leads on a project during the year and has the responsibility to motivate their peers and keep them informed about the work that they do.  Our Young Governors are a vital part of our leadership team and take their roles and responsibilities very seriously.  They are never afraid to challenge, ask questions and take on difficult problems with maturity and thought – these children are definitely the leaders of our future!

Young Governor Meeting Minutes - Autumn Term 2024